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Keto 101 -Personal Tour – How to get started (30 Minutes) with 2 week meal plan


Keto 101 -Personal Tour – How to get started (30 Minutes) with 2 week meal plan phone call, skype or facetime

If you’re new to keto and you don’t have a clue where to start this package is for you. We’ll explain ketogenic living, and how it can help you. We’ll chat about why sugar is not your friend and why you shouldn’t fear the fat. We’ll give you the basics of what to avoid and what to look for to help you along your way. Includes 3-day quick start meal plan

We’ll send you a check list prior to your consult so you’ll know what to be prepared for and what you’ll need to bring to assist us in helping you.We will contact you via email when we receive your order to set up a time that is mutually acceptable for us both. Includes 2 week meal plan

***Let’s be clear here. I don’t believe in paying for health in any way. You shouldn’t have to pay for keto. It goes against the grain of what keto is about in my opinion. Keto is about eating real food, cutting chemicals and toxins and healing your body through Nutrition.

My packages are not designed for you to pay for ketosis, they are here to help you take advantage of my personal experience and my personal success.  They are designed to pass on the knowledge that I have learned along the way through my own keto journey. I can not and will not give you medical advice, I am not a doctor. I will advise you to check with your personal GP regarding your own Ketogenic journey and your private and personal medical history. That’s none of my business and is between you and your doctor. I am not a dietician, any knowledge I share with you is based on my own journey in ketogenic living and the premise that you can potentially lose weight and gain health improvements through ketosis.

In these packages, you are paying for my experience, my knowledge and for my time. Results may vary depending on how compliant you are with the programs and your own body’s metabolism.


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