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Keto Life Lesson

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When my son was a small boy, I tried to teach him self discipline and the lesson of how to sometimes walk away from things in front of you, no matter how tempting they look.

I would put one small toy at eye level, right in front of his cute little face. I KNEW how much he loved this toy, but they were a part of the lesson that he had to learn.

He would look at that coveted toy with wide open eyes and was almost salivating at the thought ofgetting his hands on it!. I told him,

‘Son, you can have the toy if you want, but if you can resist and walk away from it, there will be a whole bag of toys waiting for you later.’

It was hard lesson for him to learn. There it was, right in front of him, while the promised bag of jwhat was to come wasn’t anywhere in sight.

We have become so self indulgent in these current times that often we don’t have the simple self control or self respect to by-pass a desired object, rather than to persevere, and to wait and achieve something that is far greater.

He looked long and hard at that jtoy that day, but I will never forget the look of pride and accomplishment on his little face when he made the right choice. He learned the lesson that sometimes grabbing that ‘immediate want’ in front of you is not the best choice for anyone.

In case you need it spelled out for you, this post is not about kids toys, it’s about will power and making the good decisions that are best for you and your body. You can continue to make the same decisions that you’ve lived your whole life and keep on being miserable OR you can find the ability to dig deep and muster the strength to create change.

You cant expect different results if you  keep doing the same things in life. You need to make the change happen. DO SOMETHING NEW.

The ‘new’ will never happen without the change, and only YOU can decide to make that change. 

Which toy do you want? The one on front of your face, or the whole frikkin thing?

That’s it for this time! Thanks for joining me for another East Coast Keto Life Lesson.  There’s still a lot to learn and we’re glad you’re along for the ride!

Keep Keto-ing with one foot in front of the other. Keto seconds lead to keto moments, Keto moments lead to keto days. Keto days will take you on a successful keto journey life time. We’ll meet you THERE!!

Our before and after
Our before and after

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